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Place In This World

For King And Country

People setting on grass


October 21, 2024

Roxanne’s story

I woke up with a terrible headache and my hamstring on fire because I pulled a muscle. So I decided to go to dog park because it always helps my mental state. Driving to dog park in stoughton I heard a big boom and thought something hit my truck. My truck looked fine once I got to dog park. On the way home my tire low pressure gauge went on. My tires looked fine when I left the park. I turned onto my street and I could feel the tire go down. My left front tire completely flat. I give all thanks to Jesus. I know that I know he had his hands around my truck. I feel so blessed right now. A front tire doesn’t boom like that at 55 mph without a problem right away. My head feels better, my hamstring is still on fire but I made it all the way home with no problems and GOD did that. Praise the Lord. Have a beautiful day.

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October 21, 2024

cathy’s story

I attended the casting crowns concert sat nite in rkfd this was available to me and 7 other members of our families because my sisiter-in-law bought tickets this summer. In aug she was told her cancer would take her to heaven in less than 2 months so she made sure someone would use the tickets she died Oct 2, 🙁 the concert was just amazing- inspiring, worshiping, joyful yet some tears knowintgCathy loved these concerts! But i got to see Dave and Natalie and Mikayla and those terrific singers. I knew almost all the songs because I have 102.5 on my echo in the house and in my car constantly It was my first ever concert like this. I live about 30 min from rkfd so this was convenient and oh so totally great ! Thanks for your station and the people there .Gods blessings on you I do support your station every fund drive you have and I hope you can continue!!

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September 19, 2024

Nathan’s story

My wife has a history of seizures , she thought she had them under control her doctor. Let her go back driving about six months now ago she had her head on collision now she still having seizures. She’s maxed out on meds and they might be doing brain surgery she is in the middle of recovering from the accident, going to physical therapy and hurt all her doctor appointments . got let go from my job because I had to take care of my wife . Now I just rely on her check to pay bills and now it could be much and she might go back to disability so trying to take care of her and work is very hard . Yes, we could definitely use prayers thanks so much!!

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August 25, 2024

Tammy’s story

8/25/24 I woke up this gorgeous morning with a particular anticipation because I am being Baptized today. Had my coffee and dog snuggles and then went out to take my pups for a walk at 6am. I always play and sing to Life 102.5 while we are walking, but this morning the world seemed especially bright, peaceful and full of wonder. I sang louder and more praise fully than on most days. At the very end of our walk, across the street from our home, I saw a new little sign hanging on our neighbors pear tree. I had to go look and am SO grateful I did! My little snack from God, the world, and our generous neighbor was THE best pear EVER (I plan to avail myself of more!) It is lovely to see and experience this generosity in our world today 🙏💕🙏

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August 22, 2024

Katie’s story

Last year I felt a conviction that we as Christians (myself included) often put God in a box. That we pray prayers that we can control ourselves. But the Bible tells us God does the impossible. So I started praying what impossible Prayer I should pray and I felt called to go off my seizure medicine. To put this into context for you: I was diagnosed with absence seizures as a young child. I used to have 70+ seizures a day (you read that right). Now most people outgrow these types of seizures but mine was a result of the umbilical cord around my neck at birth causing brain damage so my doctors told me I would unfortunately not outgrow them.So going off my medication was a big deal but that’s what I felt called to do. So last September, under the supervision of my doctor, I started weaning off my medicine. I was completely off my seizure medicine in February of 2024. I had an EEG done a few weeks later where they intentionally try to provoke a seizure and I am happy to report the EEG was clear and I am seizure free! Moral of the story, pray bold prayers. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and He is the God of the impossible.

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August 8, 2024

Betty’s story

I’m 84 yrs old & at 45 I had my 1st Cancer surgery, 19 yrs later, it returned, a few later again and again until I’ve had it 12 times in various parts of my body. Each time I’ve had so many praying for me, over 200 at times! I believe in the power of prayer. I also broke my back a year ago Dec. and I was lucky that the vertebrae I broke was on the ‘inside’ or I’d have been paralyzed. I battled Stenosis, Arthritis, Sciatica and others due to injuries to my back through the years, I was facing back surgery but delayed it for my 11th Cancer surgery last Nov! Between PT and chiropractor, my back began improving so I am 99% out of pain that I was having last year and earlier this year! This month at my recent Cancer test, the Cancer was back but it was so small my Dr was able to take care of it at that time, luckily no surgery! I also broke my clavicle at 28 yrs and was having issues with my heart and fatigue and out of breath, Three Caths and the last one in the veins and arteries, Drs found the issue, I’d shot a 30=06 rifle of my fiance’ and it broke my clavicle and I didn’t know it until the tests 2 yrs later. I was advised I could’ve died as the bones tore into the connecting artery & vein and I could’ve bled to death internally! It meant a sedentary life, I had to stop a lot of physical sports, etc, but I was glad to be alive. I thank God every day for giving me so many chances!

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August 7, 2024

Sara’s story

All my life I had a very odd relationship with God. It was an on and off thing and I recently found God again on April 28th and I have been reborn! Also for almost 2 years now I have been struggling financially. It’s been really bad. My paychecks go straight to my bills and I have nothing left to do fun things with. Sometimes I even wonder how I’m going to get to work. I commute to Fond du Lac for work. Well I needed a bible because I gave my old one to my mentee when I was Anti Christ and Anti Satan, not thinking I was going to need it. Well my sister ended up buying me my study bible. God Blessed me with my bible! Also I have been wanting to go to Love and Power it’s at the end of this month (August) and God blessed me with this family I go to church with. They messaged me this morning telling me that they are going to pay my way for me so I can go to this event with them! I cried. They were happy tears and I thanked them and God. So now I have a bible that I utilize just about every day and I get to go to Power and Love in Wausau at the end of this month! The family that is buying my tickets is the reason why I found God that night to begin with. I heard their testimonies and that was it. There’s so much more to that story. But they are so incredible just like my sister is! Thank you so much God for all you have done!

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July 17, 2024

Janell’s story

My husband and I had a very stressful day with our teenage son who is going through some mental health issues. I was feeling very overwhelmed and exhausted emotionally, physically and mentally. These battles with my son have been going on for quite a few months and we have just felt like no one understands, no one can help, and our resources were depleted. I had just gotten off the phone with my mom venting about the latest issues and she reminded me that she was praying for me and my son and to keep praying for him and God knows what plans he has in store. As soon as I hung up I turned on the radio and the first song that played was Matthew West’s song “Don’t stop Praying”. Every word in that song spoke truth into me. It was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. Don’t stop calling on Jesus name, keep pounding on heavens door and let your knees wear out the floor! It was a great reminder that God hears us when we cry out to him, he’s listening, and he wants to help us. Don’t stop praying!!

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July 15, 2024

Thomas’s story

It’s been a few years now but I lost my wife to covid. She always had 102.5 playing, while I wasn’t one for music. Three days after her passing was the first time I turned on music since her passing. The song no scars in heaven started to play! It was such a powerful moment as I sat in my car crying to that song. My wife suffered from a rare autoimmune disease which left scars on her, while now she has a perfect scarless body free of pain! For the next week I fell into dark times of depression when I turned the station back on and the song played again. I broke down and really listened to the lyrics. It was that song that pulled my mind out of the darkness, pulled me out of the “what if” thoughts, and allowed me to live in the moment again. I leaned on the lord and my kids to move forward. The road has been extremely rough at times but that’s just Satan trying to get a foothold in my life. I will say I don’t attend church anymore and my faith has been tested. I curse the lord why in the rough times but when I get through those times it’s because I come back to him. It’s just amazing how the two times I needed something, the lord put that song on your station and I turned it on at that exact time. Since her passing I have donated what I could but I feel like it won’t be enough as this station is a beacon of light in a world of darkness.Thank you

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May 30, 2024

Kat’s story

Recently I was coming out of work, nearly an hour late, after a stressful night. Usually when I get in my car for the drive home, I take the time to listen to the day’s readings, but I had the radio going from the afternoon, and the first thing I heard was, “Forget about the graveyard shift. This is the grace shift,” and I thought, yeah. It was a terrible shift, but it was also filled with grace, and I’m so lucky to have this job and support my family. And immediately afterwards, the song Counting My Blessings came on, and I just knew it was meant for me. And I prayed the whole way home in praise of Him, from whom all blessings flow!

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