Hi. I'm looking for more people to pray for my dog. She has a cancerous tumor near her colon. Vet said it would eventually grow and consume her colon and she can no longer go to the bathroom. Then she would be put down so she doesn't suffer.
I hope people will pray that God saves her, because I'm not ready to lose her. She's 11 years old, she's had a good life but she still has the energy of a puppy and I can't bear to see her go. Over the 2 decades I've been on this earth, nothing has made me tear up more than finding out this bad news a few months ago. She's a trooper and she's strong, so I'm praying for a miracle that God heals her, so that she may continue to enjoy her spoiled life on earth before she ascends to heaven where Jesus may take her on infinite walks and where she may frolic in fields of her favorite flowers.
My dogs name is Mia, and she's my best friend. The thought of her being gone kills me, and I pray every day for her healing.
And if God takes her, I pray that I will not fall apart over it.
Thank you.