Last year I felt a conviction that we as Christians (myself included) often put God in a box. That we pray prayers that we can control ourselves. But the Bible tells us God does the impossible. So I started praying what impossible Prayer I should pray and I felt called to go off my seizure medicine.
To put this into context for you: I was diagnosed with absence seizures as a young child. I used to have 70+ seizures a day (you read that right). Now most people outgrow these types of seizures but mine was a result of the umbilical cord around my neck at birth causing brain damage so my doctors told me I would unfortunately not outgrow them.
So going off my medication was a big deal but that’s what I felt called to do. So last September, under the supervision of my doctor, I started weaning off my medicine. I was completely off my seizure medicine in February of 2024. I had an EEG done a few weeks later where they intentionally try to provoke a seizure and I am happy to report the EEG was clear and I am seizure free!
Moral of the story, pray bold prayers. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and He is the God of the impossible.
Fall officially begins on Sunday, Sept. 22, but according to Amanda Morgan, meteorologist at WMTV 15 News, it may not actually feel like autumn for a while. We take a look at what Madison and southern Wisconsin can expect in the months ahead in terms of temperature and precipitation – and yes, that includes snow! She also explains how weather affects the timing, the vibrancy and duration of fall colors.