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For King And Country

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A New Hallelujah

Official Video

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(v 1)
Can you hear, there’s a new song
Breaking out from the children of freedom
Every race and every nation
Sing it out, sing a new Hallelujah

(v 2)
Let us sing love to the nations
Bringing hope of the grace that has freed us
Make it known and make Him famous
Sing it out, sing a new Hallelujah

Arise, let the church arise
Let Love, reach to the other side
Alive, come alive
Let the song arise

(v 3)
Africa sings a new song
Reaching out with a new Hallelujah
Every son and every daughter
Everyone sing a new Hallelujah

Arise, let the song arise
Let Love, reach to the other side
Alive, come alive
Let the song arise

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