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Worried person oscillating in her plan feeling skeptical and undecided

Dave and Natalie’s Nearly Impossible Question – week of 6/24/24

Dave Conour
Dave Conour

Dave and Natalie’s Nearly Impossible Question – 6:20ish (most) weekday mornings

MONDAY 6/24/24

9 out of 10 families buy this every week. What is it?

Answer:  Pie

TUESDAY 6/25/24

In a recent survey, almost 1 out 5 us say this business should be open 24/7.. What is it?

Answer: The dentist


Just over half of us had one of these growing up. What is it?

Answer: Our own bedroom

THURSDAY 6/27/24

According to a popular food blog, this is unhealthiest snack we can eat.

Answer: Zebra cakes

FRIDAY 6/28/24

10% of travelers demand their vacations have this characteristic. What is it?

Answer: Pet-friendly