Dave and Natalie’s Nearly Impossible Question – 6:20ish (most) weekday mornings
MONDAY 5/13/24
1/4 of us buy this because it’s the trendy thing to do. What is it?
Answer: Healthy food
TUESDAY 5/14/24
1 out of 20 of us say they never get bored of doing this. What is it?
Answer: Having conversations with other people
2 out of 5 of us can say this from memory. What is it?
Answer: Their FIRST license plate number
THURSDAY 5/16/24
More than 20% of us have a fear of this common household task. What is it?
Answer: Cleaning the fridge
FRIDAY 5/17/24
No Nearly Impossible Question. Dave is acting with his family in Stoughton’s Syttende Mai Festival show.