I just want to give a shout out to my mom. She is a strong woman of God and I can’t say enough good about her. I’m so blessed to call her my mom. She is so willing to help anyone who needs help and is selfless. She is there whenever I need her. I can’t drive because of having a slight stroke 4 years ago, I have lupus and on dialysis 3 days a week. My energy is low so she does my wash, gets me groceries, sets up my appointments and takes me to them, she makes me some meals, helps clean my apartment, and so much more. She buys things I need even before I let her know I need it. She keeps me encouraged and focused on God. My sister also has lupus but it didn’t attack her kidneys like it did mine but has other issues from it. My mom has also been there to help her when she has needed it. She will put us 3 kids and her grandchildren before doing something for herself.
Fall officially begins on Sunday, Sept. 22, but according to Amanda Morgan, meteorologist at WMTV 15 News, it may not actually feel like autumn for a while. We take a look at what Madison and southern Wisconsin can expect in the months ahead in terms of temperature and precipitation – and yes, that includes snow! She also explains how weather affects the timing, the vibrancy and duration of fall colors.