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A little girl hugging her mom while smiling and laughing. They are outside during sunset


My mom is amazing! She raised four daughters who all grew up to love God and people immensely. She homeschooled us all and got us into college early too! She is so hardworking.

A cool story about my mom is from when I was 11. She decided to do something called “Family Time” where we would gather in the mornings before school and read the Bible together. We started studying the book of Acts and it was the first time I really “got it” when it came to what being a Christian truly meant.

After months of studying Acts, with my mom patiently guiding my sisters and I through the book, she sensed my new enthusiasm for God and I got baptized! So, thank you, Mom, for guiding me into Salvation and a relationship with Jesus!

You always said that the most important thing for you was that we have a relationship with God, and each one of us has found that 🙂