I write asking for a boat load of prayer for help as I have been out of work since Christmas. In spite of having a degree, I have not been able to land a job. Now my unemployment help has run out as well. It seems no matter how much I pray, nothing happens, except the bills keep coming. I am concerned I will have to look for a low paying job, which will be on my feet, which is harder on me physically. I need to know God is listening. I don’t want to lose my sweet cat, and my home. Please pray. God be with me.
Fall officially begins on Sunday, Sept. 22, but according to Amanda Morgan, meteorologist at WMTV 15 News, it may not actually feel like autumn for a while. We take a look at what Madison and southern Wisconsin can expect in the months ahead in terms of temperature and precipitation – and yes, that includes snow! She also explains how weather affects the timing, the vibrancy and duration of fall colors.